How Do You Spell “Humility”?

UG Rowboat

So, ummm… I’m feeling really dumb right now.

And I think God has been laughing for about a month. He’s been waiting for me to notice the lesson He put right in front of me.

Some of you might have noticed. Some of you noticed and clicked on it.

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Helping Without Hurting

UG Charleston47

I went to the grocery store and as I was leaving, there was a bottleneck of people trying to get out the door. As I trooped through trying to avoid nailing some poor soul in the Achilles tendon with my cart, I realized what the problem was: a woman was blocking half the walkway directing shoppers out. The big rug wasn’t lying completely flat and there was a bump since the edge was folded under. The lady had decided that this was a safety hazard and was telling everyone to watch their step while trying to direct traffic around the mat. She was saying she had called one of the employees to rectify the situation.

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