Travel Light

Travel Light

A few months ago, something incredible happened. Some dear friends of mine have stepped out on faith and developed a brand new social media that is focused on generosity. They asked if I would be able to volunteer with its needs as it launched and I said yes. It isn’t often that things align like they did so God’s hand was clearly in it. My skill set, background as a foster parent, and passion for making a difference for Christ were exactly what was needed. I’ve been doing some writing for the Givefinity blog and want to share one of my posts there. Please check out the new social media platform here. Here is my post:

A few weeks ago my family went on a road trip through the East Coast and into Canada. My kids were thrilled to see New York and go up the Empire State Building, feel the mist of Niagara Falls, and stood in awe in Independence Hall. As much as I love family adventures, there is always a huge amount of stress when it comes to the logistics though. Four kids in a Highlander is an interesting prospect when you add in a week and a half’s worth of luggage.

Finish reading here.

Thank you so much for your support. Travel light, Friends!


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